March Meeting: (2nd Monday)
Date: Monday, March 13, 2017
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: The Piano Kitchen
430 Rose Ave., Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara Chapter met on February 13th, and our program was presented by Isaac Sadigursky. Isaac opened with remembrances of PTG members who have died in poor financial circumstances; and his general thesis was that it is our responsibility to understand our mortality and to work so that our loved ones are taken care of. He had two tables worth of parts and tools to show us examples of techniques or equipment meant to make our jobs faster and easier.

Highlights include:
> Swapping out entire tuning lever heads to get the tip that fits a particular piano best, rather than changing the tips alone, which is usually damaging and shortens their lives
> Instead of using individual leads hung on backchecks for key leveling, use a weight across an entire octave or more, that's faster and easier to place and move.
> A modified plier that allows fast gripping and turning of capstans
> Prepare a kit of damaged or worn out parts to SHOW customers when proposing work, as well as some brand new parts in order to illustrate the improvements being proposed.

Our next meeting will be on Monday March 13th at 7:00 pm at the Piano Kitchen in Santa Barbara. Evan Austin will report on his week-long installation and service training at PianoDisc.
