April Meeting: (2nd Tuesday) Board Meeting:
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Time: 7:30 pm 7:00 pm
Location: Kawai America
2055 E. University, Rancho Dominguez Hills

At last month's meeting we had thirteen members and were joined by one guest: Cat. It was decided that Mike Cahn will serve as our chapter delegate for the council meeting at the PTG national convention, and Carl Lieberman will serve as the alternate delegate.

Carl was chosen as our chapter nominating 'committee' and again nominated Lisa Weller for President, Mike Cahn for Vice President, Kenny Walden for Treasurer and Christine Kay for Secretary.

Lisa promoted the national conference in St. Louis and encouraged members to reserve a hotel room soon because the hotel will soon fill up. She also noted that airfares will probably increase.

Mike presented his program, "The Back At Work." He noted that hurting is not always harming: work your back around when it's tweaked. Mike demonstrated multiple stretches and exercises using a yoga mat, towel, and exercise ball. Bruce Grimes demonstrated three Tai Chi exercises. Carl explained how important it is to "center" oneself and think about using the core while working. Dennis demonstrated a lower-back loosening stretch. David demonstrated his key frame removal technique. We all had fun practicing safe movements and, after such a stringent workout, enjoyed pie!

For our April meeting, this newsletter contributor feels compelled to insert our enthusiastic Vice President's description directly: “Hey guys & gals! April 11th : here's how it's goin down! -
Skillz Jam '17 - Stringing, splicing, pinning, and bushing. Stringing back models will be setup and respective stations will be aflutter with a confluence of skillsets, all melding and tempering your arsenal of expertise. Has it been awhile? Come either show off or learn a ton at the very 1st annual South Bay Chapter premier event happening phenomenon of its kind ever in the world, sorta. But wait....there's more..It's a Splice Off! Square off against your buddies for the fastest good splice for a handsome door prize! Yes!”

Thank you, Mike. Your enthusiasm should infect us all (and the promise of pies always helps motivate attendance.)
