May Meeting: (3rd Monday)
Date: Monday, May 15, 2017
Time: 6:00 pm -
7:00 pm - Meeting
Location: The Six-Pack Shop of Isaac
3906 Clearford Court, Westlake Village, CA 91361.
Our last meeting was held at Keyboard Concepts in Santa Monica surrounded by the highest quality pianos. Jeff Bauer, the store manager, provided a perfect space for us and also used his piano playing skills to help with the voicing demonstration.
The speaker was Ed Whitting; the subject was Universal Voicing Technique. Ed is a 2nd generation piano technician who has held many positions at companies like Yamaha, Kawai, Young Chang and Principle Piano Tech for the LA Philharmonic. In addition to being an excellent technician, he entertained us with his wit and expert knowledge of voicing. We learned what the preliminary steps are before you even touch a hammer with the needle. He demonstrated his universal technique on a hammer or two and we heard it change right before our ears. In this shortened version of the class he gave six months ago in Orange County he also told us his method of generating business for the future.
Some other things covered were an inspection camera you can buy at Harbor Freight for looking under plates, fabric used in a string cover, where to buy the nifty voicing tool, and the definition of a salesman: "Someone who helps someone get what they want so he can get what he wants." Ed also handed out the Ed Whitting Voicing Guide which shows exactly where and how deep to needle a hammer. You should have been there.
Our next meeting will be held at Isaac Sadigursky's shop in Westlake Village. Isaac will give a tour of his shop as well as some technical tips that will apply to anyone who touches pianos in his daily activities. This is an excellent opportunity to find out how this piano genius works.
Also, we will have a birthday cake to celebrate Isaacs' birthday. You don't want to miss this. Car pool with a friend.