We had a wonderful little gathering for our December holiday dinner at Shull Piano.

In January the Pomona Valley Chapter hosts "The Early Steinway Piano" with Bill Shull on January 15, followed by a bonus mini-concert at 6:00 pm. See the ad below for details.

You may register online at the website below or by snail mail following the information contained: http://www.pomonavalleyptg.org/steinway-seminar/

"The Early Steinway Piano"
with Bill Shull
History, Design, Restoration, and Conservation

Monday, January 15, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
At Period Piano Center - Shull Piano
610 Amigos Dr., Redlands, CA 92373
Registration $50 (includes lunch)
8:30 am coffee and donuts

Special Mini-concert-lecture with Violinist Ken Aiso and Pianist Valeria Morgolskaya from 6:00 to 7:00 pm with the Broadwood pianos

Mail check to Don Bigler at 23938 Conestoga Ave, Murrieta, CA 92562
"Pomona Valley PTG" with "Early Steinway Piano" noted
Check www.pomonavalleyptg.org for updates and information

