February Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday February 26, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Fields Piano
810 East Dyer Road, Santa Ana

Greetings to all Southern California piano technicians and readers of the PTG Southern California Newsletter.

This month Kathy Smith will present grand regulation in several ways, moving from concepts to demonstration. She will discuss regulation, what it means to pianists, why it matters to them, and how we might explain it to them. She will have a piano action out and show a number of her favorite methods, tools, measuring devices, and systems, emphasizing ways to do the work faster and to get more even results. Grand regulation in the piano can be physically grueling, and she will show some ideas for more comfortable and effective body positions for the work. She hopes to offer some hands-on time, so technicians can feel the effects of some techniques. Technicians with less experience can count on coming away with some helpful background and concepts, plus some workable methods. More experienced technicianss may even see a new trick or two to add to the old tool bag! Kathy has been regulating grand piano actions for over 35 years, so let her show you a few shortcuts she's learned the hard way.

This is a great opportunity for anyone trying to become an RPT to see the best in action. Don't miss it!!!

Hope to see you there.
