June Meeting: (2nd Monday)
Date: Monday, June 11, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Jim Connolly’s Piano Kitchen
430 Rose Ave., Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara Chapter met in May to hear from members who had attended the WestPac in Anaheim.

One member reports finding some inspiration in Yamaha's proposal to tune to the room the piano is in, and then for projection. Demonstrations made the difference very clear.

Benjamin Sanchez reported on his experience of some one-on-one tutoring with David Anderson and did a good demonstration of tuning for sustain. Lots of ongoing discussion about the practical- ability of doing this for each tune job.

Our next meeting will be Monday June 11th at 7:00 pm at Jim Connolly's Piano Kitchen, 430 Rose Ave. in Santa Barbara. The program will be a discussion of strategies for setting up a workshop.
