No Meeting in July

The LA Chapter would like to thank Dennis Hagerty, Adam Chester, Jay, Connor and Joey for hosting our meeting at the Sherman Oaks chapter of Heaven for Yamaha piano lovers also known as Keyboard Concepts. Our meeting was very well attended, considering how many piano tuners there are in the world. Really, we should get paid more than doctors. I was personally very glad to hear our speaker Ryan Ellison take some of the edge off of confronting the adjustment and repair of Yamaha Hybrid Pianos. Much of this data I heard for the first time. He made it seem like an area one could get into and start making money at without too much complicated training. Ryan also told us where to get the manuals for all the hybrid pianos for free. He will be delivering this talk again at the convention in Lancaster in case you missed it.

We will have no meeting in July, and the August topic and location are yet to be nailed down.

