Note Special Meeting Date and Time

August Meeting: (2nd Sunday)
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018
Time: 5:00 pm
Location: Shull Piano
610 Amigos Dr., Redlands

Our last chapter meeting was in June at Bill Shull’s and, although short of a quorum, it was long in program content with Isaac Sadigursky’s presentation of his 43 mistakes we will, hopefully, not make. I lost track of some of his numberings, but the content was clear and very helpful. Many of the examples have to do with proper technician/client relationships - how to behave and not behave in their home.

This month’s meeting will again be at Bill Shull’s but on Sunday, August 12 at 5:00 pm, starting with a Bar B Que/potluck (it will be coordinated by Catherine Lee by e-mail). We will then have a business meeting where it is essential that we have a quorum in order to elect officers. We will also be sent e-mail chapter bylaw proposals for discussion which will make our bylaws conform to the new PTG bylaws.

Our three chapter members who attended the National Institute and Convention (Bill, Josh Tonyan and Randy Morton) will share their experiences in Lancaster, PA. ‘Hope to see as many of you there as possible in order to reach the necessary quorum.
