October Meeting: (2nd Monday)
Date: Monday, October 8, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm
New Location: Blind Community Center of San Diego
1805 Upas St., San Diego, CA 92103
The Center is located on the north side of Balboa Park, close to the corner of Upas St. and Park Blvd. (Go to & click CONTACTS, DIRECTIONS for driving directions and a map.)

Last month's program was given by Doug Lee (Lalonde). Doug used to own the Piano Exchange and has a very long history in piano rebuilding and retail sales. He is now retired from the piano industry. Doug gave an informal talk about his experiences, the people he has met and worked with, and the pianos he has been involved with during his life. Doug has had quite an interesting life and career. Thank you, Doug, for sharing with us.

The October meeting will be the election of new officers. We need to have as many members attend as possible. We will then discuss how to evaluate a piano that we come across. Does it just need tuning, or some repairs then tuning, or what is best for that piano? Bring your ideas and experience. See you there.
