December Gathering: (3rd Saturday)
Date: Saturday, December 15, 2018
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Harry’s Plaza Café
3313 State Street, Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara Chapter met on November 12th. For the Good of the Order, we had a brief discussion of things to consider when selling a business, with specific regard for customer files. Three examples were made known:
1. Each file is worth around 5% of the current value of a tuning
2. Give the files, but make a deal for a percentage of the income from them for a period of time
3. Sell the business for not less that 1 year of gross income
We also discussed the various reasons why people tip and what they may or may not be expecting from doing so.

Our technical session touched on repairing bridge caps, where it was agreed that many factors, including the overall value of the piano, go into making the decision of what type/depth of bridge repair to do. We also discussed strategies for removing spinet actions so the sticker rail doesn't get out of control and lead to damage, including

* extra damper heads affixed to sticker tops to hold the rail in place
* a tool for doing much the same as the damper heads, from Supply88
* Velcro straps or rubber bands

For our program, Chapter Vice President Benjamin Sanchez presented an evacuation priorities list, outlining the types of things one might be able to quickly gather given various brief amounts of time before evacuating from a disaster. We included mention of documenting shop inventory (now) in case of shop damage/loss, and products and procedures for cleaning smoke damage. Dennis and Evan have used OdorX's 9-D-9 product for neutralizing soot odors as part of a cleanup.

Our annual holiday party will be held on Saturday December 15th at 4:00 pm at Harry's Plaza Cafe, 3313 State Street in Santa Barbara.

We will meet regularly again on January 14th at 7:00 pm at Jim Connelly's shop, where Chapter President Charles Hudson will give the program.
