March Meeting: (2nd Monday)         Board Meeting:
Date: Monday, March 11, 2019
Time: 7:30 pm                                  6:30 pm
Location: Shull Piano
610 Amigos Dr., B1, Redlands, CA 92373

Our February meeting, hosted by president Bill Shull at his shop/museum, featured a presentation by Josh Tonyan (with some input from Herb Bridgman) - an excellent 'how-to' on replacement of broken Yamaha hammer butt flange spring cords. Thanks, Josh, for the excellent video & verbal presentation and the handouts. Thanks also to Bill for the refreshments.

This month’s chapter meeting will center on the needed final decisions and arrangements for our upcoming chapter-sponsored seminar. We now have 8 instructors in 3 class tracks. It will all be at the Hampton Inn in Riverside, March 30 - 31. See the "Get Your Piano Geek On" flyer included in this newsletter for more details.
