April Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday, April 22, 2019
Time: 7:00 pm - Program
6:30 pm - Refreshments
Location: Keyboard Concepts
18285 Euclid Street, Fountain Valley

Greetings to all Southern California technicians and readers of the Southern California Newsletter.

Our April meeting will feature OC chapter member Sheila King in a program titled, “Your Business’ Future and the New Tax Laws.” The program will include discussion about the new tax laws and how they may affect your business, business planning, with accounting tips on reports and financials. Sheila earned a degree in accounting prior to entering the world of piano technology. She has put together this program for the benefit of our members. I’m sure we could all use a little help with accounting, right?

President Melissa Weidner has been working tirelessly on revising the OC Chapter Bylaws. The revised document was presented at the February meeting and voted on, passing unanimously. Copies were provided to members in attendance. Copies of the bylaws will be mailed to members not in attendance. A final vote on the new bylaws will be at the April meeting.

Another important event at the April meeting will be nominations for chapter officers. Yes, it’s that time again. If you wish to serve our chapter by holding office for one year, please come to our meeting. You will be welcomed with open arms.

Keyboard Concepts is famous for putting on a great spread before the meeting, often homemade; so arrive early and hungry.

Hope to see you there!!
