May Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday, May 27, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm -
7:00 pm - Meeting
Location: Fields Piano
810 E Dyer Road
Santa Ana
Greetings to all Southern California technicians and readers of the Southern California Newsletter.
Our April meeting featured OC chapter member Sheila King in a program titled, “Your Business’ Future and the New Tax Laws.” The program included discussion about the new tax laws and how they may affect your business: business planning, with accounting tips on reports and financials. Sheila earned an accounting degree prior to entering the world of piano technology. She put together this program for the benefit of our members and created a helpful hand-out covering many of the topics discussed. Keyboard Concepts is famous for putting on a great spread before the meeting, and they did not disappoint. Thank you Todd Peterson and staff for helping us have a great meeting.
President Melissa Weidner has been working tirelessly on revising the OC Chapter bylaws. The revised document was voted on and passed at the April meeting. Our chapter business continues in May with the election of chapter officers. Come to the meeting and get involved!
For our May program, Sara Silva will lecture on the Alexander Technique. If you haven’t heard of it, get on your googly machine and look it up. We had Sara at a meeting a couple of years ago, and it was a great and unusual meeting. If you missed it, here is your chance to come in and improve your health and technique. Hope to see you there!!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Cal State Long Beach is disposing of four Wurlitzer uprights
from the sixties. The pianos all play and will be given to any technician who
provides a statement on their letterhead of their intention to refurbish or
recycle. Sue Babcock is hoping that some newer technicians could benefit from
the experience of working on and practicing skills of our craft on these
beauties. There are also three Baldwin Grands to be auctioned off that should be
listed by the beginning of May at,ca/browse/cataucs?catid=13
If you have any questions contact Sue Babcock -