September Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday, September 23, 2019
7:00 pm
Location: Fields Piano
810 E Dyer Rd, Santa Ana
Last month we had our end of summer BBQ at David and Kathy's. We had a great turnout, including a few faces from neighboring chapters. There was no formal meeting, just old friends sharing good food and fun stories from the summer.
Our next meeting will be back at the regular time at Fields Pianos. Randy Woltz will be presenting his class on action centers. He will even be bringing along the world’s largest action center.
Also, start dusting off those old tools on the back of the top shelf because out annual tool auction is coming up in October. This will be on Saturday, October 26th at Episcopal Church of the Messiah, 614 N. Bush St. Santa Ana, Ca 92701.