September Meeting: (2nd Monday)
Date: Monday, September 9, 2019
7:00 pm
Location: Shull Piano
The Pomona Valley Chapter was spoiled last month with a double feature from the great Isaac Sadigursky! He taught us his techniques on how to stay organized, be more efficient and more profitable both in the shop and in the field with "Kits For Specific Jobs" and "Modular Field Piano Service," then taught and grilled us on our ability to identify pianos by specific parts and design with "Name That Piano, Name That Design."
This month we are very pleased to have Lisa Weller present "Why're We Bending These Things," a quick study about the dog-leg bent wires in piano actions with hands-on practice. Bring your wire bending tools if you have 'em and, if not, come and share with your fellow technicians. Hope to see you all there!