Los Angeles Chapter
November Meeting: (3rd Monday)
Date: Monday, November 18, 2019
6:00 pm - Light dinner
7:00 pm - Meeting
Location: Pierre's Fine Pianos
11039 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 91006
Hello everyone! Our group of eager-to-learn technicians met at Keyboard Concepts in Sherman Oaks. Isaac (Pedalgursky) Sadigursky gave us his very edificating presentation on pedal repairs. This is a priceless accumulation of vital data on how to save some pedal lyres and make some good income. One of the things I personally had not known about was how to easily rehabilitate the threads of a bolt after cutting it with a bolt cutter. You simply thread the appropriate die onto the bolt before applying the bolt cutter and then back the die off and it re-threads the bolt on the way out. Genius!!! Any chapter who hasn't seen this should kidnap Isaac and make him give this class before he gets tired of lugging all the demo pieces around in his van. It took several people half an hour to bring all the stuff into Keyboard Concepts. And, thanks to the staff there, we could stay as long as Isaac talked.
In November, Sheila King will take your business pulse. The class begins with a presentation of the new tax laws and their effects. But wait, there's more. With accounting reports, you will be told the riveting story of a piano tech's financial journey. Implement these reports to check your own business' pulse.
Sheila received her accounting degree just before she entered the world of piano technology. She has an understanding of business through her experience working for a number of companies, performing a number of functions. She also does books for herself and others. This class will be taught at this July’s national convention in Orlando.