Los Angeles Chapter

January Meeting: (3rd Monday) - All Day Multi-Chapter Meeting
Date: Monday, January 20, 2020
Details: See Full Information on Pages 4-5

In December: Amidst a bustle of joyful activity and camaraderie we celebrated another year of common reality in the piano tuning and rehabilitation business. Our party was held at the shop of one of our members, Franco Skilan. He and his wife Johanna provided a very pianoesque space for a group of like-minded technicians. We were treated to a great musical performance by a group of musicians that David Weaver assembled for the occasion as well as singing by selected members and a demonstration of the remarkable accordion skills of our own Isaac Sadigursky. Tasty food was provided by anyone so inclined to bring it. Paul Gray showed up with his banjo, and I got to hear something besides Dueling Banjos. Our president, Kayoko Forrest, greeted us and talked about the next meeting at the Colburn School which should be excellent. In closing I would like to say the best way to be guaranteed a Happy New Year is to create one.

Thank you for your contribution this past year. We will meet again. (Sounds like the name of a song.) For all who couldn't make it this December, stick around. 2020 will flash by, and we hope to be back at Precision Pianos for another party. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
