February Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday, February 24, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Fields Piano
810 E Dyer Rd, Santa Ana

The Orange County Chapter will resume with meetings at the regular time this month. We would like to thank the LA Chapter for hosting and Rick Baldassin and Carl Teel for sharing their knowledge of action rebuilding with us.

This month Isaac Sadigursky will present a huge slide show of pianos he has worked on over the years. Unusual pianos and repairs will be emphasized as only Isaac can do. Please join us if you can as this should be a wonderful learning experience for all.

If you cannot attend in person but would still like to see the technical, you can attend via Skype. Contact Melissa Weidner for details. We will continue to offer this for all of our meetings.

Our chapter board met last month to review the health of the chapter. We are in good financial standing. If anyone has any questions or would like something specific from the chapter please contact one of the chapter officers. This is especially true for members who are working towards their RPT exams. If there is anything you need assistance with, we can find you a mentor or add this to the technical at one of the meetings. We could all use a refresher on some of the less common repairs.
