March Meeting: (2nd Tuesday) Board Meeting:
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Time: 7:30 pm 7:00 pm
Location: Kawai America
2055 E. University,
Dominguez Hills 90220
Our condolences to the family of Dean Boesen. Dean passed away in January.
Our February chapter program was a meeting of the minds and voicing tools. We focused on needles from Packrat Lisa's collection and discovered that the majority of gold plated needles from Fluegelbauer were .75" and the majority of the Dritz #7 sharps from the yardage store were .67." There are other differences of course, sharps, quilting, embroidery, etc. Also manufacturer - some steel is harder. Although we didn't go into hardness testing, we discussed how Japan, Germany and England all claim to have the best steel. Chapter members brought their voicing tools, passed them around so everyone got to see and feel the variety. There was discussion on how to use single needle tools, the purpose of different length of needles in tools. We were lucky to have Don Mannino there, who voices more than any of us. He brought up some interesting details.
This month, after our brief March business meeting, we will be treated to a program from the one and only Randy Morton of Pacific Piano Supply. Randy will bring us samples and information on his Tokiwa action parts. Randy has designed these replacement action parts for rebuilding common piano actions as well as solutions to the problems of replacing parts on obsolete pianos. Also he will treat us to a TV show where a crew came from Japan and filmed at Pacific Piano Supply about Imadegawa hammers. Don't miss it! Pie and conversation will be served after the program.