March Meeting: (2nd Tuesday)
Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Your Device

Greetings South Bay Chapter and SoCal PTG!

In March we will be having a chapter meeting online via Zoom at our normally scheduled meeting time: 7:30 pm on March 9. We will have an opportunity to check in with each other, see how everyone is doing, and then delve into some very interesting piano tech material. "Dealing With The Unexpected: A Modified Historical Piano " will be presented by Adrian Carcione and Michael Cahn. This presentation is a case study of a Johan Soderburg forte piano from 1806 that had been clipped in length, rescaled in steel vs iron, and buttressed with metal framing otherwise foreign to the original . The presentation will address questions surrounding how to treat this piano in view of these modifications and how to make the right decisions for the piano and for the present owner.

Chapter elections are coming in May. Now is a great time to consider taking up chapter office. The positions we have available are: Secretary, Vice President, and President. These positions are phenomenal opportunities for newer chapter members to really connect with the greats of our field and sink into the depth of what our South Bay Chapter and PTG, on the whole, can offer our community of technicians.

The Zoom Meeting information is as follows:

Carl Lieberman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 535 290 2149
Passcode: PTG
