April Meeting: (4th Tuesday)
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Time: 7:00
Location: Your Device - Zoom
Last month the San Diego County Chapter featured a business minded discussion led by California Keyboards Music Center owner Ed Tomlinson, RPT. Many thanks to Ed for taking the time to share valuable insights earned from an exceptional career in piano technology, piano sales, and business ownership.
This month our chapter will have a Chapter Business Meeting on April 27th at 7:00 pm on Zoom to discuss how the San Diego County Chapter is doing, talk about the coming PTG National in August, and listen to our members’ ideas and concerns. The full agenda is a work in progress and will be sent to our members later in the month in a San Diego Chapter Newsletter.
The links to our Zoom meetings can be found in our San Diego Chapter newsletters. If you would like to be added to our meeting email list to receive the link to this meeting and/or if you'd like to suggest topics for future meetings please contact San Diego Chapter president, Brian Janey, at