Last month the San Diego Chapter had a Chapter Business Meeting. This included reports from our chapter president and treasurer; and we welcomed two new members into our chapter. In addition to chapter business, the session included an interview with our regional vice president, David Stoneman, RPT. Much appreciation to David for taking the time to share his experience getting involved in piano technology and becoming an officeholder in the PTG. David gave us insight into how the PTG organization functions and updates on the upcoming convention. David welcomes inquiries from members who wish to learn more about how they can become more involved in the PTG, including joining committees, councils, etc., and he advises getting familiar with the informative resources that can be found at the PTG website.

At the publishing of this newsletter our meeting for this month is still "to be announced." So keep a lookout for a San Diego Chapter Newsletter in the weeks ahead that will list the date, time, and subject matter for our May Zoom meeting.

General Information about our Zoom meetings:
The links to our Zoom meetings can be found in our San Diego Chapter newsletters. If you would like to be added to our meeting email list to receive the link to this meeting and/or if you'd like to suggest topics for future meetings please contact San Diego Chapter president, Brian Janey, at
