The San Diego Chapter will not have a meeting in December.

Thank you to everyone that participated in our chapter meetings over the last year. Here's a look back at the excellent roster of presenters and topics that our chapter held in 2021!

Don Mannino, RPT with a presentation on restringing
Jurgen Goering of Piano Forte Supply on tips and cool tools
Ed Tomlinson, RPT of California Keyboards Music Center on running a business
John Gallen from Brooks Unlimited with a presentation on replacing upright hammers
Nathan Ehresman from Gazelle on how Gazelle can help your business grow
Brian Janey, our chapter president, on piano valuation and appraisal
Eric Johnson, RPT on the topic of how to care for and service fine pianos

We also attended a class organized by the LA Chapter that featured Sally Phillips, RPT with a discussion on concert prep techniques.

Stay tuned for chapter newsletters for additional information on when our next meeting will take place.

General Information about San Diego Chapter Zoom meetings: San Diego Chapter technical meetings are open to members of other chapters. The links to our Zoom meetings can be found in our San Diego Chapter newsletters. If you would like to be added to our meeting email list to receive the link to this meeting and/or if you'd like to suggest topics for future meetings please contact San Diego Chapter president, Brian Janey, at
