January Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday, January 24, 2022
Time: 7:00
Location: Your Device
Happy New Year to all! We hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season after another atypical year in so many ways. Our last chapter event was the OC Tool Auction in October, where it was nice to see so many familiar faces after over a year of only virtual meetings. Thanks to David Stoneman for coordinating usage of the space and auctioneering, and to David Vanderlip and Kathy Smith for their accounting and tracking of all sales during the event itself.
Our first meeting of the new year will once again be on Zoom, details below. Our technical presenter is still being confirmed, so please check the chapter's My PTG page ( for details/presenter bio as the date approaches. (You might want to bookmark that link.) Please also use this time to ensure that you are subscribed to real time notifications from that list so that we, as a chapter, can communicate as efficiently as possible outside of meetings when necessary. (On the above link, click the gear icon with "Settings" at the top, next to 926-Orange County, CA and under "Email Notifications," the dropdown menu at the bottom)
As usual, a chapter business meeting will immediately follow the technical presentation on Monday, January 24 at 7:00 pm.
For a link to the ZOOM meeting, please email Don Mannino