March Meeting: (3rd Monday)
Date: Monday, March 21, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Your Device
The meeting in February featured Carl Liberman, RPT
in a talk focused on iRCT (Reyburn CyberTuner).
This month our chapter
will once again join a multi-chapter meeting hosted by the Los Angeles Chapter.
Thank you to LA Chapter organizers and members for the invitation to participate
in such informative discussions.
The meeting will be on Monday, March 21
at 7:00 pm and will feature Isaac Sandigursky. Isaac's program will showcase his
valuable and extensive field repair experience. Save time, make more money and
retain happy customers.
General Information about our Zoom meetings: San Diego County Chapter
technical meetings are open to members of other chapters. The links to our Zoom
meetings can be found in our San Diego County Chapter newsletters. If you would
like to be added to our meeting email list to receive the link to this meeting
and/or if you'd like to suggest topics for future meetings please contact San
Diego County Chapter president, Brian Janey, at