March Meeting: (3rd Monday)
Date: Monday, March 21, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Your Device

For February Carl Lieberman did a presentation about Reyburn Cybertuner, its strengths, features, and how to dial in the perfect tuning with AI mode. Fascinating. Carl, we thank you and appreciate you devotedly bringing us ever closer to the cutting edge.

This month we will have the infamous Isaac Sadigursky presenting for a joint LA/South Bay Western Time Zone live-streamed technical that will be sure to inform and entertain both the new and vetted technicians amongst us. See the Los Angeles Chapter section for meeting details and Zoom link. See you there!

FYI- In April our very own Don Mannino will be presenting at our first live, in-person meeting at Kawai since the pandemic. This should be an excellent gathering that we look forward to!

For a link to the ZOOM meeting with the Los Angeles Chapter, please email Don Mannino
