This month we will have one Zoom meeting as well as one in person session offered for our San Diego County Chapter members.

Annual Business Meeting: Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Your Device
Zoom Meeting ID: Contact

Topics will include chapter finances, vote on officers, discuss chapter business, the PTG National Convention in August, when and how we'll start having in-person meetings again, discuss interest in a NAMM Show Road Trip, and ideas that you would like to share with the executive board.

Please contact chapter president Brian Janey ahead of the business meeting if you have any items you would like added to the agenda or if you would like to nominate anyone (including yourself) for a leadership role in the chapter.

In Person San Diego County Chapter Technical: Saturday, May 21, 2022
Time: 9:00 am to Noon
Location: Brian Janey’s Shop
2495 Via Rancheros, Fallbrook CA 92028

In his presentation, "The Humble Console," Brian will lead us through a discussion of what he does in the course of a 2-hour appointment to improve the condition of the typical run down console to help make happy owners out of those who perhaps made a less than solid choice or perhaps had the console thrust upon them by unknowing relatives. The essence of the class will be how to run a commercial piano service. Topics will include what to look for in a piano inspection, when to call something a piano shaped object (PSO), educating the piano owner, case disassembly, cleaning the interior and how to address "loose legs," best practice for lubrication and sticky/sluggish action and keys, "triage" - taking care of the worst, yanking pianos up to pitch, voicing, and tools of the trade.

Due to the limited space and nature of the session this event is limited to our San Diego Chapter members only. Please contact Brian in advance if you plan on attending.
From Brian, “We'll start at 9:00 am in the shop and break for a lovely lunch. For those that would like to hang out further, even have a glass of wine, there are some pretty views in this neck of the woods to take in while we continue the conversation, if you have time.”

General Information about our Zoom meetings: San Diego County Chapter technical meetings are open to members of other chapters. The links to our Zoom meetings can be found in our San Diego County Chapter newsletters. If you would like to be added to our meeting email list to receive the link to this meeting and/or if you'd like to suggest topics for future meetings please contact San Diego County Chapter president, Brian Janey, at
