August Meeting: (2nd Monday)
Date: Monday, August 8, 2022

The Santa Barbara Chapter met on July 11th to continue our series on aural tuning skills and procedures. Jim Connolly demonstrated a 2-octave temperament developed by Ed Sutton, which focuses less on beat counting and more on splitting the difference between certain known intervals. At our next meeting, August 8th, we will continue by having Dennis Ashly and Michael Sloan each demonstrate temperaments that they use.

We took a little time to review the previous month's program, in which Dennis Ashly demonstrated various methods of setting A4 using tuning forks and other pitch sources, including his findings that of the dozen forks he tested, all of them--various sizes and manufacturers--measured flat of A440.

Our technical session included exploration of ways to address verdigris, and ways to harden hammers and whether that effect is reversible (generally it is not).

We welcomed Mitchell Burris from Ojai as a visitor and soon-to-be new member, as he brought his application paperwork to be signed by a chapter officer.

