September Picnic: (2nd Sunday)
Date: Sunday, September 11, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Foster Park, Ojai

The Santa Barbara Chapter met on August 8th. Our two main points of business were the annual triage day that precedes placement of a dozen or so spinet and console pianos on State Street in Santa Barbara for the month of October, and our chapter's annual picnic.

These pianos are housed in a warehouse and are painted and decorated by artists each year. Our chapter shows up for a day to make field repairs of all sorts before the pianos are placed. This has been a fantastic opportunity in the past, particularly for newer technicians, to have a hands-on skills day and dive into a variety of real-world field repairs in a collaborative setting.

Our picnic will be held on Sunday, September 11th at Foster Park in Ojai at 1:00 pm. This is a potluck and family and close friends are welcome. The picnic is in lieu of a chapter meeting for the month of September.

We also had a technical discussion on topics ranging from damper issues to broken strings, from marketing and when to raise rates to gaining experience as a new technician and how to gauge or assess progress and proficiency.

For our program, Michael Sloan and Dennis Ashly went over their processes for tuning a temperament. The takeaway was that there are various methods to the same goal: a well-tuned piano.
