South Bay Chapter
October Meeting: (2nd Tuesday)
Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
7:00 pm
Location: Kawai America
2055 E. University, Rancho Dominguez Hills
October brings with it some great plans for the South Bay Chapter including 5 Minute Mini Technicals! Open to any member who wishes to participate, this is a 5 minute presentation on something they are good at or know about. The 5 minute marker makes it easy for the presenter (and the viewers) and leaves us with the best stuff. It is a great way to break the ice as a new presenter, and it is fun. At press time we have 4 presenters for October and will welcome more.
We will meet at Kawai on Tuesday, October 11 at 7:00 pm for a chapter business meeting. South Bay Chapter member and RPT Ryan Ellison is up for secretary position. We have a handful of new chapter members; so come meet them and welcome them in.
What class would you like to see? We are inquiring amongst our members about what subjects and topics you would like to see in technical presentations. It is important, as we want to hear from YOU about what you want to see; and we will do our best to make that happen.
The PTG National Convention Anaheim in August was awesome. We took in great classes, refreshed our skills, and invigorated our spirits. At the October meeting we will recount some of the highlights of this summer’s convention as well as share some great pie. We hope to see you at Kawai on October 11!