June Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday, June 26, 2023
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Fields Pianos
810 East Dyer Road, Santa Ana, CA 92705

Last month the chapter elected officers for next year:

President: Stephen Blasyak, RPT
Vice President: Randy Woltz, RPT
Secretary: Amanda Todhunter, Member
Treasurer: Walter Nirenberg, Member

This month we will be meeting in person at Fields Pianos. Food will be provided before the meeting. We will continue to have a Zoom meeting available for members who live too far away to attend in person (Meeting ID - 89462240892, Passcode - 819316). Our technical presentation will be “Restoring Piano Keyboards” by Randy Woltz. Even if you are just putting in new hammers, you should inspect the whippens and keys to make sure the foundation of the action is in good shape, plays as it should, and looks good. Discussion topics include: cleaning, numbering the keys, addressing loose bushings, polishing old plastic, leads, capstans, backchecks, and repairs (cracked keys, loose key buttons, mouse damage, etc.)

Good luck to those taking RPT exams this month. For those of you who don’t know, the Southern California Area Exam Board holds RPT exams twice a year, typically in January and June.

