This month there will be no meeting because it would conflict with the national convention
in Virginia. Hoping that everyone who can go has a fun time!

In June we had our first live, in-person meeting in at least two years. We had a good turn out for a program presented by our newly elected Vice President, Randy Woltz.

Randy gave us his insight on evaluating and refurbishment of older actions in need of some TLC. Many times hammers are replaced and other issues are completely ignored. We observed Randy's methods and thinking while evaluating key bushings, back checks, knuckles and more. He demonstrated his method of steaming key bushings as well as cleaning old yellowed keys.

We had a few new technicians to meet and many old friends to catch up with. Fields Piano provided some sandwiches.

Chapter officers for the coming year are as follows:
President: Steve Blasyak
Vice President: Randy Woltz
Treasurer: Walter Nirenberg
Secretary: Amanda Todhunter

Our August meeting is yet to be announced; however rumors have it that there may be a summer party.

Hope to see you soon!
