The San Diego Chapter will not have open chapter meetings in November or December. The executive board is scheduled to meet on December 2nd to discuss the past year and to plan for next year. If you have ideas for classes or general feedback please contact one of the executive board members with your input.
Brian Janey RPT, president -
Paul McCloud RPT,
vice-president -
Jarel Paguio, treasurer -
Craig Stephenson, secretary -
Our chapter recently had an "in the field" piano service opportunity for our members to participate in. Here is a recap of the experience from our chapter president, Brian Janey RPT:
In September I had a call from a new middle school music teacher (who was a piano major in college) wanting an estimate to take care of her school's two pianos. Suffice to say, I laughed out loud when I got the pictures (schools are the demolition derby of the piano world), and then realized it was highly unlikely an estimate for what looked like an extensive amount of work would be considered. I decided to hit up folk in my chapter and a number eagerly volunteered and the San Diego County Chapter "Mobile Piano Hospital" was created and 6 of us, those experienced and those brand new to the trade spent 5 hours on a Saturday reversing the damage and neglect. Those new got to participate and watch in real time strings bring installed, hammers be shaped and voiced, actions regulated and tuning. The response from the teacher on text after our visit, "You all put in so much work! Thank you so much! I can say that 100 times and I won't be able to properly communicate how much it means to me, my kiddos, and the school. You all are amazing."
Thank you to all who participated in the "Mobile Piano Hospital" outing, to everyone who has contributed through consistent attendance at our chapter meetings, and to all the excellent technicians who have given presentations to our chapter over the last year.