Date: Mon., 3/11/2024
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Piano Kitchen
    430 Rose Ave.
    Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara Chapter met on February 12 at the Piano Kitchen. We started by discussing some new strategies internally to plan and prioritize meeting attendance and programs.

Our technical session was varied and rich as always, covering topics such as regulating around broken return springs, technique for bending cast brass, removing and replacing key leads, and possible ways to address a slow plate crack.

For our program, we did a toolcase weigh-off and show-and-tell. Our daily-use toolcases weighed between 12 and 30 lbs.; and we showed the best, strangest, and favorite tools we carry with us.

Our next meeting will be Monday March 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Piano Kitchen (Jim Connolly's shop) in Santa Barbara. The program will be weighting keys: how to determine where weight goes and how much.

