Date: Mon., 3/25/2024
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Last month we welcomed Ryan Ellison from Yamaha for a program on Disklavier Transacoustic and hybrid pianos. He has prepared repair and diagnostic manuals for older Disklavier models. Ryan also demonstrated the latest product on a nine foot concert grand. It was a great meeting. Ryan is a really nice guy and always available for help at Yamaha tech support.
The one big problem was that no one showed up except the chapter officers and Secretary David Stoneman. When we first started in person meetings last year we had a couple of well attended meetings. It was really good to see everyone. The last two in person meetings had very low turnouts. We had Steven Norsworthy in January and no one showed up. His new product, PianoSens, created a huge buzz on piano tech. We had the chance to see the product in person.
In light of this we will meet via zoom this month. We will post a zoom link on our new chapter text thread. It will also be available on your 'My PTG' page right before the meeting. We need to nominate chapter officers for May elections and talk about what we could possibly do to get a few more members to attend May's monthly meeting.
Hope to see you there.