South Bay Chapter

Date: Tues., 3/12/2024
Time: 6:30pm Board Meeting
        7:00pm Meeting
Location: Kawai America
        2055 E. University
        Rancho Dominguez CA 90220

For our February meeting, Steven Norsworthy presented the PianoSens tuning device to our chapter. The discussion was, to say the least, lively. It is early days for the product, yet recent online reviews from new PianoSens users have been mostly positive, with only one return out of 20 purchases so far. If you are curious to learn more, consider checking out the "lively" discussions on the PTG Pianotech discussion forum or the technician forum on

Our March meeting will continue the technical series that follows the regulation presentation in January. This session will concentrate on key dip, blow distance, and let-off. It will be led by chapter member Tim Michaels and will include a discussion as well as a hands-on segment.
