July Meeting:
Date: Mon., 7/8/24
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Piano Kitchen
    430 Rose Ave.
    Santa Barbara

The Santa Barbara Chapter met on June 10th at Ashly Piano Crafts in Ojai. We received an update on funds received from dissolution of the CA State Conference and discussed reimbursing a member for attending the upcoming Convention early and serving as a delegate. We are looking ahead to our annual triage day when we gather as a group to make field repairs to a warehouse of pianos that will then be placed on public streets in Santa Barbara for a few weeks. It is always a good learning experience and a good group bonding one, too, and happens in September/October.

We got an update on a challenging plate repair that one member had been working with for quite some time, with a clever and skilled solution, and so far successful results. We went over the materials and process for making a bass string pattern, and workshopped some contract language to indicate for a venue what can and cannot be done to the house piano by visiting artists.

Our next meeting is Monday, July 8 at 7:00 pm at the Piano Kitchen in Santa Barbara.
