South Bay Chapter

April Meeting:
Date: Tues. 4/9/2024
Time: 6:30 pm-Board
         7:00 pm-Chapter
Location: Kawai America
     2055 E. University Dr.
     Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220

At our March meeting, Tim Michaels presented a talk on the Trifecta of Regulation: Key dip, blow distance, and let-off. He surveyed various resources available on the PTG website in the Education Hub on the topic, as well as many of the books available on regulation. A brief overview of Nick Gravagne's excellent Action Geometry Program was provided. He highlighted Jim Busby's excellent ebooks on regulation and Jim's simple, effective steps to set regulation samples, as well as how aftertouch is affected by the trifecta of regulation. Various regulation tools were demonstrated. Techniques like setting let-off without a gauge were explored, and unusual artist requests regarding aftertouch were discussed.

The April meeting will begin with a technical problem solving / field service issues discussion by you, our members! Come and tell us about your recent piano problems, whether successfully overcome or not! If you have clear digital photos, feel free to bring them on a USB drive and we will look at them on the screen. Share the pain of the difficult issues you’ve had to face, and commiserate with your PTG compatriots! Perhaps helpful solutions will be offered by our experienced chapter members. This session will be moderated by Ryan Ellison and Don Mannino.

Following this discussion we will enjoy a screening of this year’s Oscar winner for best documentary short film: “The Last Repair Shop.” This is a wonderful documentary on the musical instrument repair shop of the Los Angeles Unified School District, and it beautifully illustrates the benefits of having music education and music instruments available in schools.

This will be a special meeting - don’t miss it!
