December Gathering: (2nd Monday) - Holiday Potluck Party
Date: Monday, December 10, 2018
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Shull Piano
610 Amigos Dr., B1, Redlands, CA. 93373

We needed to dig into our last minute program resources in November which Pomona Valley was ready for, of course. We watched the excellent PTG Foundation video of the Montal Celebration with Fred Sturm and musical artists. Fred discusses his findings from his study of this great French tuner and builder. If your chapter hasn't watched the video, make sure it does! Each chapter has a copy.

We finally approved the bylaws changes that conform to the PTG bylaws. Thanks, Roger, for your eagle eye and all of you for your work! An updated copy will be available soon.

This month it's our annual Holiday Party and Potluck at Shull Piano - Tom Schultz's special cranberry sauce, Herb’s dessert, all the goodies. No Roger, Catherine won't be teaching her watermelon selection class, but we still hope Linda comes!

Plan to join us for the SoCal Seminar at the Hampton Inn in Riverside the last weekend of March - see the information here! Pomona Valley members: Please let our seminar director, Bill Shull, know of your willingness to volunteer!
