June Meeting: (4th Monday)
Date: Monday, June 22, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Virtually over Zoom

Hope you all are doing well. Last month we had a virtual meeting via zoom. Thankfully, Don Mannino is familiar with presenting over this new media and gave a great technical presentation on providing full service of quality instruments in a customer’s home.

This month Randy Woltz will discuss how to maintain the other spectrum of our work, the dreaded spinet. "Even though we may hate them and look down on them, many people love their spinet pianos and are willing to pay whatever it takes to keep them going. Over the years I have completely restored several with new strings, action parts, new wood elbows and even one with a new pin block! I will discuss the different models and how the keys attach to the action as well as how to remove the action including dealing with rubber grommets, plastic and wood elbows."

This meeting will also be via Zoom. The meeting ID will be posted on the MY.PTG OC forum page when we get closer to the meeting date. Voting and installation of officers will take place at the June meeting.

Several chapter members have asked about how to access other members' contact info, so:
1. Log in to
2. Under the Members tab on the top right side, select Member Directory
3. Select Chapter Search and enter our chapter number, which is 926
4. View results, including a list of chapter officers and contact info for all chapter members

David Vanderlip is seeking any help he can get in finding old newsletters to use in compiling a history for the OC Chapter. Newsletters are a mine of information about chapter officers, projects and so on; so he is looking for any old newsletters that members may still have lurking in their email or paper files. David would be delighted if anyone has kept any of the old paper newsletters we used to get, or any emailed newsletters from 1967 to 2015. There is an archive on the SoCal PTG website, but we are looking for original copies if possible, even of the emailed newsletters. If everyone is a little bored with staying home so much, think of this as a project! If you have kept any old newsletters, please contact David at or 714-381-1080. Thank you!

Normally we don't meet in July because the meeting overlaps with the annual convention. There will be no convention this year so there was a question about whether we should have a meeting. If you have a preference, please let us know. There will be a thread on the MY.PTG OC Forum.

General Zoom meeting instructions are available on the Advertisers / Announcements page of this newsletter.
